About me

I’m currently in my twenties, from Austria and I make nice things!

My hobbies include, but are not limited to:

  • Ham/Amateur radio πŸ“‘
  • Electronics ⚑
  • Music 🎧
  • Building and modifying things πŸ”§
  • Infosec πŸ”’
  • Enjoying being in the Furry Fandom β„πŸ†

You probably won’t find my amateur radio callsign on my website because I try and not share it publicly, since the austrian government publishes all your data online and I don’t want to share everything here. Hope you understand!

         />    フ	I also have a soft spot for cats made out of ascii chars!
        |  .  . l
       /      |	Don't know the source of this one, found it on twitter! β™₯
      /  ヽ   οΎ‰
      β”‚  | | |
  / ̄|   | | |
  | ( ̄ヽ_ヽ)__)

Contact information:




Click me if you wanna know where the above shields come from!

If you want to mail me with encryption (if only for funsies!) find my PGP key at keybase.io!

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image source